Everyone is talking about tomorrow’s “the end of the world”,
what are we going to do if it’s really a last day and all that but since I think
the 12.21.12 is just another day, maybe we should prepare for Christmas,
after all it sounds more positive and fun.
Many countries have its tradition for Christmas and I think
the most different one by far is the Caganer – a pooper .., a Catalan Christmas
tradition, the first time I saw it in Barcelona, I was shocked. Because this traditionally dressed little figurine of a man or woman with the pants down -
pooping. This little guy is usually
placed in the Christmas nativity set and you find the “caganer” hidden in the
back amongst the donkey in the barn
while Jesus is being born, or be hidden behind the bush, this is the part of the fun of the great
Christmas humour, kind of like Where's Wally?
They are not trying to mock, just that “someone got to go, even in this special
day, every body poops"… this someone could be anyone from Messi, Michael Jackson to prince William and his wife, even the
pope. Some people say that the Caganer
is “fertilizing” the ground which brings more crops and good luck. Other said
who buys a Caganer, will have lots of good luck for the upcoming year. No matter reason
it is, poop never has so much fun.
Caga tió - shit Log
Caga torró - shit
nougats (turrón),
Avellanes i mató - hazelnuts and cottage cheese,
Si no cagues bé - if you don't shit well,
Et daré un cop de bastó - I'll hit you with a stick,
After hitting it softly with a stick during the song, it is hit harder on the words Caga tió! Then the parents secretly hide the toys under the blanket when the children are not looking and still hit the Caga tío with the stick so that the Cago Tio can poop out the gifts.
Anyway , that’s about it about the pooping Christmas. There
are quite a few traditional celebrations in Spain like the Three Kings and Dia de los Santos
Inocentes – Day of the Holy Innocents, its kind of like the April Fool’s day. Spain
is a fun country and one of the things I like the most is that local people like to enjoy life and to have
fun. People in Barcelona have
dinner after nine and go out drinking after mid night and back to work as usual the next day, I like it about them. But one thing that “shitting“ me is that they are sometimes too slow and
everything is manana (tomorrow), especially when it comes to telephone company, it really
makes me want to be one of the Caganer,
and I can hide myself in one of their shops and do it. I just hope that no
one gonna find me.
Now you are reading this blog meaning the world doesn’t
end, so I hope you will have a Merry
Christmas, to care and love each other and cherish everyday.
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